the boys and i enjoyed sight - seeing in jerusalem
a few days in the last month...
josiah and i overlooking jerusalem...
after graduating from high-school,
all israeli young people serve in the israel defense force
all israeli young people serve in the israel defense force
many times you see them traveling on the buses.
they wear their uniforms because then
they get to ride for free...
on the bus to jerusalem...
three IDF soldiers sleep on the bus...
the boys on the bus...
the four primary languages in israel...
seth walking outside the old city...
josiah in front of Golgotha (mount calvary)
seth at golgotha...
touring among the many ancient ruins...
seth is not quite as tall as
the boys signed a guest book at
one of the tour sites..
old city walls...
seth walking along the top of the
old city walls...
looking down from the wall at excavated ruins...
tour buses line the streets outside the old city...
an old city street...
somebody's parrot in the old city...
josiah at the western wall -
the only remainder from the jewish temple...
seth at the western wall...
seth by the golden menorah that israeli's
hope will some day go in a new temple...
a wedding car...
an ambulance in jerusalem traffic...
orthodox men pray at a grave...
a camel enjoys the view of jerusalem...
seth inside king hezekiah's water tunnel...
King Hezekiah had this tunnel dug to
provide a water source inside the city
in case of a siege.
josiah inside the water tunnel...
it is low in some places...
and in some places it is even lower...
but in some places, it is quite high....
a plaque telling about the inscription in the tunnel...
the ancient inscription in the tunnel....
on the mount where the temple once stood...
now the site of the dome of the rock mosque...
police on the temple mount...
the detailed tiling on the mosque is amazing...
on the temple mount...
palestinian women...
a palestinian boy rides his horse down the street...
never mind the traffic...
another interesting vehicle on the road
in the arab part of town...
palestinian young people...
our friend, shoshka, directing traffic flow
out of a parking garage...
me with shoshka...
the boys in front of the israeli supreme court building...
seth by what looked to be a helicopter landing pad
near the government complex...
an inscription near the landing pad...
(but i don't know what it says...)
in front of the knesset...
walking through a tunnel...
jerusalem at night...
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across your blog from a friend of a friend of a friends =)
May I ask wait takes you to Israel?
May the Lord richly Bless you!!
Rachel L.
Psalm 34
i really want to serve God with my life...somehow, somewhere... and He gave a really interesting opportunity to come to israel and assist an israeli midwife for a few months. so i'm just here volunteering with her and seeing if He opens any other doors for me here as well...